
One of seven industry legends: Volume V of chapter 7 of six house of God without Yanmie Huanshou

purple swirl look at this, he heard demons di wolf, the leopard three one unison, the previous figure must be reversed Mirahebiwashi 4, snakes, instead of fast transient formation of a reverse vortex to conflict.

In the air across the intersection, the two share the same nature, breathing the air, a sudden loud crash was heard as high as the high-speed friction mount violent collision gas explosion in one of the surrounding mountains purple gas Zhensan in one fell swoop, the diameter of the sphere Ri Tiyou to form a dark red light.

As soon as the sword of the explosion clean ridicule the idea, which is also purple spiral movement in the top four people in two one God appears to start the second attack. Rotation of the four tons of time away from God micro-explosion of a single tall, snake meat eagles, wolves, snakes, animals over four rapid rise in the number of types of leopard, its speed, no savings, nearly Draw a radius of 30 feet to penetrate the leopard roar countless H. Lang, Washio Takaaki

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